CIDER는 이맥스 Edebug에 영향을 받아 만든 클로저 디버거 기능이 있습니다. 써 보면 좋을 꺼에요!

CIDER Debugger


디버거는 몇 가지 방법으로 실행할 수 있지만 가장 쉬운 방법은 C-u C-M-x를 입력하는 것입니다. 그러면 현재 최상의 폼 안에서 가능한(instrument it) 많은 위치에 브레이크포인트를 설정하고 일반적인 방법으로 평가합니다. 브레이크포인트에 걸리면 해당 값을 볼 수 있고 디버거 명령어를 입력할 수 있는 모드가 됩니다. (아래 내용 참조) 만약 현재 폼이 defn이면 인스투르먼트 된 상태가 되고 함수를 부를 때마다 디버거가 동작합니다. defn(또는 비슷한 폼) 인스투르먼트를 취소하려면 그냥 다시 평가해주면 됩니다. (예. C-M-x)

브레이크포인트를 지정해서 디버거를 실행할 수 도 있습니다. 폼 앞에 #break라고 써주면 해당 폼이 평가될 때 마다 디버거가 실행됩니다. 예를 들어 아래 코드에 C-M-x를 하면 (inspector msg)가 평가 될 때마다 디버거가 실행됩니다.

(defn eval-msg [{:keys [inspect] :as msg}]
  (if inspect
    #break (inspector msg)

폼 앞에 #break 대신 #dbg를 사용하면 바깥의 폼에 브레이크포인트 만 걸리는 것이 아니고 안쪽에 있는 모든 항목에 브레이크포인트가 걸린 것 처럼 동작합니다. 위의 예에서는 (inspector msg) 폼과 안에 있는 msg 모두 브레이크포인트가 걸립니다. 잘 봤다면 디버거를 실행하는 첫번째 방법(C-u C-M-x)이 현재 최상의 폼에 #dbg를 걸어주는 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있을 겁니다.

어떤 위치에서든 M-x cider-browse-instrumented-defs를 입력해서 디버거가 걸려있는 모든 def 목록을 확인 할 수 있습니다. 프로토콜과 타입에도 디버거를 걸 수 있지만 리스트에는 표시되지 않습니다.

cider-debug tries to be consistent with Edebug, although there are some differences. It makes available the following bindings while stepping through code.

Keyboard shortcut Description
n Next step
i Step in to a function
o Step out of the current sexp (like up-list)
O Force-step out of the current sexp
h Skip all sexps up to “here” (current position). Move the cursor before doing this.
H Force-step to “here”
c Continue without stopping
e Eval code in current context
p Inspect a value
l Inspect local variables
j Inject a value into running code
s Show the current stack
t Trace. Continue, printing expressions and their values.
q Quit execution

In addition, all the usual evaluation commands (such as C-x C-e or C-c M-:) will use the current lexical context (local variables) while the debugger is active.

Command Details

Here are some more details about what each of the above commands does.

Stepping Commands

These commands continue execution until reaching a breakpoint.

In the cider debugger, the term "breakpoint" refers to a place where the debugger can halt execution and display the value of an expression. You can set a single breakpoint with #break, or set breakpoints throughout a form with #dbg (or by evaluating with C-u C-M-x). Not every form is wrapped in a breakpoint; the debugger tries to avoid setting breakpoints on expressions that would not be interesting to stop at, such as constants. For example, there would not be much point in stopping execution at a literal number 23 in your code and showing that its value is 23 - you already know that.

  • next: Steps to the next breakpoint
  • in: Steps in to the function about to be called. If the next breakpoint is not around a function call, does the same as next. Note that not all functions can be stepped in to - only normal functions stored in vars, for which cider can find the source. You cannot currently step in to multimethods, protocol functions, or functions in clojure.core (although multimethods and protocols can be instrumented manually).
  • out: Steps to the next breakpoint that is outside of the current sexp.
  • Out: Same as o, but skips breakpoints in other functions. That is, if the code being skipped over contains a call to another instrumented function, the debugger will stop in that function if you step out with o, but not if you step out with O.
  • here: Place the point somewhere further on in the function being debugged, at the point where you want to stop next. Then press h, and the debugger will skip all breakpoints up until that spot.
  • Here: Same as h, but skips breakpoints in other functions, as with O.
  • continue: Continues without stopping, skipping all breakpoints.

Other Commands

  • eval: Prompts for a clojure expression, which can reference local variables that are in scope where the debugger is stopped. Displays the result in an overlay.
  • inspect: Like eval, but displays the value in a cider-inspector buffer.
  • locals: Opens a cider-inspector buffer displaying all local variables defined in the context where the debugger is stopped.
  • inject: Replaces the currently-displayed value with the value of an expression that you type in. Subsequent code will see the new value that you entered.
  • stacktrace: Shows the stacktrace of the point where the debugger is stopped.
  • trace: Continues execution, but at each breakpoint, instead of stopping and displaying the value in an overlay, prints the form and its value to the REPL.
  • quit: Quits execution immediately. Unlike with continue, the rest of the code in the debugged function is not executed.

Conditional Breakpoints

Breakpoints can be conditional, such that the debugger will only stop when the condition is true.

Conditions are specified using :break/when metadata attached to a form.

(dotimes [i 10]
  #dbg ^{:break/when (= i 7)}
  (prn i))

Evaluating the above with C-M-x, the debugger will stop only once, when i is 7.

You can also have cider insert the break-condition into your code for you. Place the point where you want the condition to go and evaluate with C-u C-u C-M-x or C-u C-u C-c C-c.

Internal Details

This section explains a bit of the inner workings of the debugger. It is intended mostly to help those who are interested in contributing, and doesn't teach anything about the debugger's usage.

The CIDER debugger works in several steps:

  1. First it walks through the user's code, adding metadata to forms and symbols that identify their position (coordinate) in the code.
  2. Then it macroexpands everything to get rid of macros.
  3. Then it walks through the code again, instrumenting it. That involves a few things.

    • It understands all existing special forms, and takes care not to instrument where it's not supposed to. For instance, the arglist of a fn* or the left-side of a let-binding.
    • Wherever it finds the previously-injected metadata (if that place is valid for instrumentation) it wraps the form/symbol in a macro called breakpoint-if-interesting.
  4. When the resulting code actually gets evaluated by the Clojure compiler, the breakpoint-if-interesting macro will be expanded. This macro decides whether the return value of the form/symbol in question is actually something the user wants to see (see below). If it is, the form/symbol gets wrapped in the breakpoint macro, otherwise it's returned as is.

  5. The breakpoint macro takes that coordinate information that was provided in step 1. and sends it over to Emacs (the front-end). It also sends the return value of the form and a prompt of available commands. Emacs then uses this information to show the value of actual code forms and prompt for the next action.

A few example of forms that don't have interesting return values (and so are not wrapped in a breakpoint):

  • In (fn [x] (inc x)) the return value is a function object and carries no information. Note that this is not the same as the return value when you call this function (which is interesting). Also, even those this form is not wrapped in a breakpoint, the forms inside it are ((inc x) and x).
  • Similarly, in a form like (map inc (range 10)), the symbol inc points to a function in clojure.core. That's also irrelevant (unless it's being shadowed by a local, but the debugger can identify that).